Tuesday, July 29, 2008

GoW2 to feature linked Achievements

Gears of War 2 was presented at Comic-Con 2008 by none other than Cliff Bleszinski, director for Epic Games. While most of the game that was presented had already been shown at E3 a few weeks ago, Bleszinski announced that GoW2 would feature "linked Achievements." What this means is that accomplishments that you've made in GoW1 will carry over to the second installment and award the player something special. Bleszinski listed only 3 examples of how these linked Achievements will work:

- Complete Act One in Gears Of War, unlock a playable Anthony Carmine in Gears of War 2
- Find 10 COG tags in Gears Of War, unlock Minh Young Kim in Gears of War 2
- Kill Raam in Gears Of War, unlock a playable Raam in Gears of War 2



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